About the IIAFA

The International Institute of Anti-Fraud Forensic Auditors (IIAFA) recognized through cooperation agreements with other institutions that recognize the AFA Certification and others that grants the IIAFA,offers a certification program for Anti-fraud Forensic Auditing Professionals. In this way the new specialization of Anti-fraud Forensic Auditing in in the XXI century is a rescue, support and modernization of the historic and original function of the auditor in which fraud is its main objective. It suggest inclusion of external auditor opinions about internal controls in a separate paragraph about the reasonableness of the results from operations, so that the investors can know the level of risk (fraud) that the company or institution is exposed to and this way take the necessary decisions based on the level of risk tolerance in a transparent measurable manner. In this way, the Anti-Fraud Forensic Auditor meets all the expectations that the international community requires from him in a global world where he will become the most trusted advisor.

To achieve these objectives the IIAFA:

  • Offers a certification program for Certified Public Accountants (CPA) that specializes individuals as Anti-Fraud Forensic Auditors (AFA) so they could address in a integral manner the scourges of fraud, corruption and money laundering, taking into account education, experience, knowledge as well as personal and professional ethics.
  • Trains and updates members constantly.
  • Promotes exchange of knowledge and information among professionals and countries that have advanced techniques and procedures in Anti-Fraud Forensic Auditing.
  • Investigates, analyzes, documents and shares the advances in Anti-Fraud Forensic Auditing.
  • Establishes principles, fundamentals and procedures in executing a Anti-Fraud Forensic Audit.
  • Conducts Studies, analysis and consult on opportunities and challenges in the development of different social and economic sectors with the purpose of elevating the level of trust from the productive and financial sectors in countries around the world.

Associations that maintain Cooperation and Recognition Agreement of the Antifraud Forensic Auditor Certification (AFA) and others issued by the IIAFA:

1. La Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigadores de Fraude y Crímenes Financieros (ALIFC), fundada en 2002.
2. La Asociación Interamericana de Contabilidad (AIC), fundada en 1949.
3. El Instituto Guatemalteco de Contadores y Auditores (IGCPA), fundado en 1968.
4. El Colegio de Contadores Públicos de Tumbes, Perú (CCPT), fundado en 1976.
5. La Universidad Mayor Real y Pontificia de San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca, Sucre, Bolivia (USFX), fundada en 1624.
6. Confederación Nacional de Profesionales de Bolivia (CPB), fundada en 1957.
7. Universidad Americana (UAM), fundada en 1992.
8. Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), fundada en 1966.
9. Instituto de Investigaciones Contables del Ecuador (IICE), fundado en 1964.
10. Contraloría General de la República Dominicana (CGRD), fundada en 1929.
11. Federación Nacional de Contadores del Ecuador (FNCE), fundada en 1945.
12. Colegio de Contadores Públicos del Callao (CCPC), fundado en 1988.
13. Ridaro, Inc. (USA), fundado en 2006.
14. Asociación de Contadores Públicos Autorizados de Panamá (ACONTAP), fundada en 1941.
15. Universidad de Panamá (UP), fundada en 1935.
16. Colegio de Contadores Públicos de Madre de Dios (CCPMDD), fundado en 1996.
17. Instituto Dominicano de Auditores Forenses (IDAF), fundado en 2009.
18. Asociación Internacional de Profesionales en Poligrafía (AIPP), fundada en 2006.
19. Colegio de Contadores Públicos de Ancash (CCPAncash), fundado en 1960.
20. Colegio de Contadores Públicos de Ica (CCPI), fundado en 1968.
21. Colegio de Contadores Públicos de Puno (CCPP), fundado en 1960.
22. Colegio de Contadores Públicos de Junín (CCPJ), fundado en 1988.
23. Asociación de Mujeres Contadoras Públicas Autorizadas de Panamá (AMUCOPA), fundada en 1954.
24. Colegio de Contadores Públicos de Arequipa (CCPA), fundado en 1956.
25. Escuela Internacional de Auditoría y NIIF (EIAN), fundada en 2019.
26. Tesorería Nacional de la República Dominicana (TNRD), fundada en 1844.
27. Universidad Nacional de Tumbes (UNTUMBES), fundada en 1984.
28. Colegio de Contadores de El Oro (CCO), fundada en 1968.
29. Colegio de Contadores Públicos de La Libertad (CCPLL), fundada en 1959.
30. Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas de Panamá (MEF), fundada en 1903.
31. Contraloría General de la República de Panamá (CGRP), fundada en 1903.
32. Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga de Ica (UNICA), fundada en 1955.
33. Colegio de Contadores Públicos de Cajamarca (CCPC), fundada en 1981.
34. Colegio de Contadores Públicos Autorizados de Panamá (CCPAP), fundado en 1957.
35. Colegio de Contadores Públicos de Huánuco (CCPH), fundado en 1969.
36. Colegio de Economistas de Lima (CEL), fundado en 1965.
37. Superintendencia de Bancos de la República Dominicana (SBRD), fundada en 1947.
38. Universidad Metropolitana de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología (UMECIT), fundada en 2002.
39. Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (UTP), fundada en 1981.
40. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH), fundada en 1847.
41. Colegio Hondureño de Profesionales Universitarios en Contaduría Pública (COHPUCP), fundado en 1993.
42. Universidad Tecnológica de Honduras (UTH), fundada en 1986.
43. Universidad Privada del Valle (UNIVALLE), fundada en 1988.
44. Aeropuerto Internacional de Tocumen, S.A. (AITSA), fundado en 2003.
45. Fiscalía General de Cuentas (FGC) de la República de Panamá, fundada en 2008.
46. Tribunal Administrativo Tributario (TAT) de Panamá, fundado en 2010.
47. Tribunal de Cuentas (TC) de Panamá, fundado en 2008.
48. Colegio de Contadores Públicos de Lima (CCPL), fundado en 1942.
49. CPA Panamá (Revista Científica CPA Panamá), fundada en 2022.
50. Colegio de Contadores Públicos de Ayacucho (CCPA), fundado en 1980.

Certifications Issued by IIAFA:

  • Anti-Fraud Forensic Auditor (AFA)

Certification Program for excellence focused only for Certified Public Accountants with a Suitability License in the comprehensive management of Fraud, Corruption and Money Laundering. The Anti-Fraud Forensic Auditor Certification projects to the community an independent professional who has satisfactorily passed the Polygraph Test, displaying his traits of honesty in his personal and professional conduct, among other requirements, and who is trained to fully manage the stages of prevention, dissuasion, control, regulatory compliance, risk management, detection, investigation, clarification, confirmation or ruling out the occurrence of Fraud, Corruption and Money Laundering at the government and private levels. Thus, becoming this discipline as the most recent and maximum specialty of the Certified Public Accountant. 

  • Anti-Fraud Forensic Auditor Governmental (AFAG)

Certification Program focused only for Certified Public Accountants with a Suitability License with an emphasis on government aspects in the comprehensive management of Fraud, Corruption and Money Laundering. The Certification as Anti-Fraud Forensic Auditor Governmental projects to the community an independent professional or public official who has satisfactorily passed the Polygraph Test showing his traits of honesty in his personal and professional conduct, among other requirements, and who is trained to handle comprehensively the stages of prevention, dissuasion, control, regulatory compliance, risk management, detection, investigation, clarification, confirmation or ruling out the occurrence of Fraud, Corruption and Money Laundering at the government level, the Public Ministry and the Judicial Branch.

  • Polygraph Approved (PA)

Certification and Degree Program issued to professionals who pass the Polygraph Test demonstrating that they are professionals who comply with traits of honesty in their personal and professional conduct. This test is performed by Certified and Independent Polygraph Examiners in accordance with scientific methodologies and procedures that guarantee the obtention of reliable results on the potential Certified Public Accountant candidate who voluntarily submits to this test before completing the Certification Program as Anti-Fraud Forensic Auditor (AFA) or as Anti-Fraud Forensic Auditor Governmental (AFAG) and others issued by the IIAFA. The test in question clears the doubt of the relationship of the potential candidate in matters related to Fraud, Corruption, Money Laundering and consumption of illicit substances, among others.

  • Anti-Fraud Forensic Auditor Consultant (AFAC)

Certification Program aimed at other University Degree Professionals with a Suitability License, who are members of the IIAFA and who have participated in conducting Anti-Fraud Forensic Auditing and/or possess the knowledge and techniques that help Anti-Fraud Forensic Auditors in the execution of Special Forensic Auditing Reports on the management of funds and resources related to Fraud, Corruption and Money Laundering, as well as in the preparation of Triple AAA Prevention Programs (Anti-Fraud, Anti-Corruption and Anti-Money Laundering).

  • Professional Forensic Expert Analyst (PFEA)

Certification Program focused on other Professionals with a University Degree who are not Certified Public Accountants with a Suitability License, who help in their capacity as Financiers, Bankers, Lawyers, Engineers, Architects, Economists, Psychologists, Doctors, Risk Managers, Regulators and of Corporate Governance, as well as other Certified or Diplomated Forensic Specialists such as Graphologists, Polygraphists, Criminalists, Criminologists, among other forensic sciences as required, as part of an investigation of Fraud, Corruption and Money Laundering led by a AFA or an AFAG, where they collaborate in the processes of understanding, obtaining and compiling evidence, analysis of findings and investigations within the framework of their respective competencies as support to an AFA or AFAG.

  • Certified in Risk and Compliance with Anti-Fraud, Anti-Corruption and Anti-Money Laundering (CRCA)

Comprehensive Certification Program focused on different professionals in Municipalities, Superintendence’s, Regulators, Authorities, Inspectors, Controllers, Investigators, Administrators, Curators, Actuaries and Controllers on issues of comprehensive management of Fraud, Corruption and Money Laundering that are the root of all Risks at the private, governmental and regulatory levels. As today there is talk of Administration, Management and Risk Control and Corporate Governance in all economic activities in the world, where the root or foundation of the emergence of all types of risks that come in their different configurations is not studied and denominations of the impact or occurrence of Fraud, Corruption and Money Laundering, this program guarantees to provide this essential knowledge.

  • Proficient Certified Accountant Auxiliary of Justice (PCAJ)

Certification Program focused exclusively on Certified Public Accountants, with suitability in their country, who have proven experience in the judicial field and act as Accounting Experts and Legal Assistants on behalf of the parties or the competent authority in different proceedings and/or assignments in the resolution of specific questionnaires and instructions issued by said competent authorities in litigation and civil or criminal disputes, in accordance with support guides in accordance with the ordering of the substantive law that has priority in each country.